/* The beer song, written in OADL, (Object Attribute Definition Language),
 * the designated heir to ADL (Adventure Definition Language).
 * Ross Cunniff, 1997, cunniff@sprynet.com

/* Declare the beerWall class and its publics.  We could insert the
 * actual beerWall class implementation here if we preferred, but
 * I like top-down programming better.
class beerWall;
public describe, takeOneDown, numBeers, beerProc;

/* Here is our wall o' beer (oops - #17 is bear whiz instead) */
beerWall wall {
    numBeers = 99
    beerProc = proc(n) {
        return (n == 17) ? "bear whiz" : "beer";

/* The actual main program.  Take 'em all down. */
proc main()
    /* We have 99 bottles. We want to take them all down. */
    do {
    } while (wall.takeOneDown());

/*** Implementation of the beerWall class ***/
class beerWall {
    public var numBeers;  /* Initial number of beers on this wall. */
    public var beerProc;  /* Returns the type of item on the wall */
    var currBeers;        /* How many currently on the wall */

    /* Create a beerWall with a given number of beers on it. */
    public proc create()
        /* Default beerproc is this anonymous proc that
         * always returns boring old beer */
        beerProc = proc() { return "beer"; };

    /* Completion operator - move parameter from public var to private
     * copy */
    operator {} ()
        currBeers = numBeers;

    const onTheWall = " on the wall.\n";

    /* Describe the beer wall. */
    public proc describe()
        if (currBeers > 1) {
            "", currBeers, " bottles of ", beerProc(currBeers), onTheWall;
            "", currBeers, " bottles of ", beerProc(currBeers), ".\n";
        else {
            "1 bottle of ", beerProc( currBeers ), onTheWall;
            "1 bottle of ", beerProc( currBeers ), ".\n";

    /* Take a beer down from the beer wall. */
    public proc takeOneDown()
        "You take one down, pass it around.\n";
        currBeers -= 1;

        switch (currBeers) {
        case 0 :
            "No more bottles of ", beerProc(currBeers), onTheWall;
            return 0;
        case 1 :
            "1 more bottle of ", beerProc(currBeers), onTheWall, '\n';
            return 1;
        default :
            "", currBeers, " bottles of ", beerProc(currBeers), onTheWall, '\n';
            return 1;