// incdec.oad - test increment/decrement operators
// Of note - the following fragment:
//      x++
// is actually treated like this for overloaded ++/--:
//      var $tmp = x;
//      x = $tmp.operator ++();
// Therefore, in general, the ++/-- operators should return a new object
// derived from the current object, appropriately incremented or decremented
// This is just a guideline, though. Programs can have side effects if
// they desire. One interesting side effect might be to have a semaphore
// class where ++ locks the semaphore and -- unlocks it. For this kind
// of implementation, the operator should return self

class incdec {
    var v;
    public proc create(n) {v = n;}
    operator ++ () {var vv = v; vv++; return new incdec(vv);}
    operator -- () {var vv = v; vv--; return new incdec(vv);}
    operator => (typ) {assert typ == String; return v=>String;}

proc main()
    var a = new incdec(3 .iterate());
    "a: ", String(a), '\n';
    "a: ", String(a), '\n';
    "a: ", String(a), '\n';
    // Showing the equivalency of the shortcut syntax and the call syntax
    a = a.operator --(a);
    "a: ", String(a), '\n';